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wineUP @ Omotesando!

First wineUP Event in Tokyo

東京初のwineUPイベントに参加頂いた皆さんに感謝致します 🙇🏻!

トレンディーな表参道にあるカジュアルで粋なワインバー、W Omotesando The Cellar Grill で二回ワインイベントを開催しました。食事も雰囲気もとても素敵でした(ワインはもちろん!)。私たち同様皆様も同じくらい楽しんで頂けたと思っています!

Thank you to everyone that came out to our first wineUP event in Tokyo! We held two separate wine events in the trendy neighborhood of Omotesando at a casual and hip wine bar: W Omotesando The Cellar Grill. The food and atmosphere was amazing (not to mention the wines!) and we hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did!



The first night, we hosted a dinner tasting event showcasing classics California wine varietals, such as Chardonnays, Pinot Noirs, and Cabernet Sauvignons! By comparing different vineyards and wine regions of the same varietals, our guests were able to see side-by-side just how diverse and complex California wines can be!



The second event was a lunch tasting event highlighting 'new' California style wines! There were wines from uncommon regions, unfamiliar wine varietals, and popular grapes made in unconventional methods that showed a completely different and adventurous side of California wines!

Some of the wines we poured:

試飲したワインとプロデューサー (Producers & Varietals)

  • Marietta Cellars - Rosé, Old Vine Riesling, Zinfandel, Syrah

  • Steele Wines - Chardonnays, Pinot Noirs

  • Hobo Wine Company - Tocai Friulano, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Syrah

  • Alexander Valley Vineyards - Cabernet Sauvignon, Bordeaux-style Red Blend

In case you missed it...


イベントを主催する予定ですので、ご心配ご無用、楽しみにしていてください!引き続き ご支援頂ければ幸いです。

Thanks again for your continued support as we strive to help bring more limited production, high quality California wines to you! If you couldn't make this event, don't fret because we will be hosting many more events in the coming months so stay tuned!

イベントの写真があれば、#wineup をタグしてください。貴方の写真を弊社のSNSで


If you have any pictures that you took at our events, be sure to tag us at #wineup and we'll feature your pics!

Instagram, Facebook, と Twitter のフォローをお願いします!

If you don't already, be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!


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