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2020年のカリフォルニアは20年ぶりのお買得! #bestvaluein20years

信頼性の高い投資銀行, シリコンバレー・バンク (SVB)の2020年米国ワイン業界予測レポートによると, 過去3年の間に新しい苗を増やし, より良い農業環境の改善のお陰で高品質のブドウ生産が実現したにも関わらず収穫過多になり, ワインの価格減少が起きると予想しています。ミレニアル世代が予想に反してワインを余り消費せず, 需要が伸びない為, カリフォルニアワインは20年ぶりにお得な値段で購入し易くなりそうです。

と言う事は…415会員の皆様にもお財布に優しい、リーズナブルな価格でご提供出来る事を期待しています! お楽しみに〜


According to the Silicon Valley Bank, the leader in forecasting the US wine industry market trends, there has been an oversupply of grapes for the past several years due to new acreage plantings coupled with advances in farming techniques yielding record amount of crop. Further exacerbating the situation is the slowing and plateauing of demand for wine, especially by the millennial demographics as they have been slower to embrace and consume wine as previously forecasted, unlike the boomer generation.

That means wine aficionados like yourselves will benefit from some discounted prices on quality wines! We look forward to being able to continue our mission of providing our community with high quality California wines at reasonable prices, so please stay tuned!

For those interested in the 'State of the Wine Industry Report' by SVB, please click on the link below!




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