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415 Wine Blog is LIVE!

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

今まで試飲された事の無い限られた生産量で高品質のカリフォルニアワインをイベントを通して皆様に紹介して来ました。今後は貴方に最新の情報を直接お伝えしたく、このブログを開始致します!テイスティングノート、注目のワイナリー、これから開催されるイベント、そしてFLASH SALEのご案内などを掲載致します。


We strive to introduce and make limited production, high quality California wines accessible to you through our events and offerings. But now, you can stay up-to-date with us and see what we're up to with our blog! We'll share tasting notes, featured wineries, upcoming events, and FLASH sales on here, so be sure to follow along as we build this community of California wine lovers!

Only the beginning...


Much like this newly budding vines, we are at the beginning of our wine endeavor and are excited for all of the things to come. But we just want to take a moment to thank you for your continued support and we could not be happier that you're here to come along for the ride and experience this journey with us.


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Instagram, Facebook, と Twitter のフォローをお願いします!

If you don't already, be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!


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